Sunday, December 4, 2011

A quilted story

So today I did a huge chunk of a very special quilt, in fact I completed 90% of the top in a few hours and let me assure you this has nothing to do with my sewing skills! In fact quilting is easier than you think. Especially if you are good at sewing straight single lines like me :)

This quilt is far from perfect but actually that is the way I like it, it sort of tells the story of us, we all have areas we fail in, but when God looks at us a whole he does not see those imperfections, he says beauty beyond measure, He sees His creation, covered with His fingerprints.

The other thing that I love about sewing something like a quilt is the way it rests over you while you sew. (This is especially great in the winter!) This always makes me feel extra special about sending it across the miles to someone special knowing it has been with me while I have made it take shape.

Now I have to layer & bind not sure which way around this should work! So any volunteers for showing me how to finish it off before Christmas are very muchly welcome! Otherwise I will consult the world wide web! 

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